Week 3

How have the last two weeks of Marriage Moments been for you? If you’ve found it a struggle to follow the schedule of the weekly Marriage Moments, don’t give up yet. Even when you have missed one or two weekly Moments, press on. There is much to experience in the journey ahead.
If you have not been writing to let us know your thoughts (and questions) on the materials you have read so far at this blog, please feel free to do so. We would love to hear from you.


We thought we knew all about each other during the courting period. After all, we had been together almost all the time, communicating virtually non-stop, for months on end.
Communication is not just about sharing those thoughts that we chose to focus on during the pre-marriage days. Communication that builds relationship is about dealing with many things in life that affect each other that we care about.
There are a host of factors that affect how the communication between husband and wife determines the shape the relationship takes.
One such important factor is the timing. It is not advisable to pour everything that has been bottled up in your heart all day long when you meet your spouse after a hard day’s work. Give each other some ‘cool-down’ time to settle into the evening time together. The question is one of readiness.
Another key factor is the manner how we start the communication in the first few moments after you have connected with each other after a period of physical separation from each other. The research has shown that if you start off the conversation with a negative tone and/or words, it would end negatively. This is so even if you try to say something more positively to recreate a more loving atmosphere in between. Therefore, prepare yourself well before you meet your spouse after a period of absence. If you aim to pour your frustration onto your spouse, it is unpleasantness you will get for the time together.

Worth Thinking About

It is so funny what Proverbs 24:26 says about what we say to one another. It likens a good answer to a good kiss. It removes doubts and errors, vices and perplexities.
Another proverb says this.
‘A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.’  
Proverbs 25:11

Worth Praying About

Go ahead and pray for the matters mentioned in the Marriage Moments book.

Worth Doing

Two things you can do in response to this week’s Moment…
1.    Say one encouraging thing to your spouse during this week. 
 2.    Leave a love note for your spouse. 

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